Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Smart City Development: Social and Governance Impacts in Jakarta


  • Ardy Firman Syah National Research and Innovation Agency
  • Muhammad Sultan Aminudin East Java Province Cooperative and SME Training Unit
  • Nadia Salsabila
  • Dani Ihwan Rizqi Public Administration Universitas Brawijaya


Artificial Intelligence, Social Life, Technological Developments, Special Region of Jakarta


The interaction between people and technology is inseparable and use to continuous repetitive daily action. The term of artificial intelligence generally development of technology in conduct daily activity can be easier. This study reveals the extent to which the use of artificial intelligence can affect social life in the people of the Special Region of Jakarta in benchmarking of smart cities too. Data sources are obtained from social media, electronics, Youtube, regulations and others that are considered legitimate in data collection and relevant to be studied. The findings reveal that artificial intelligence integration is most successful when ethical frameworks and transparent data practices are prioritized. Collaboration between artificial intelligence developers and stakeholders is crucial in addressing biases and enhancing the trustworthiness of artificial intelligence systems. The study provides actionable recommendations for improving artificial intelligence adoption while safeguarding ethical standards. A holistic and inclusive approach is needed, including increasing digital literacy, establishing clear regulations regarding the use of data, and closer collaboration between governments, technology developers, and the public. In this way, the use of artificial intelligence in Special Region of Jakarta can run more fairly, transparently, and benefit all level society.


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How to Cite

Ardy Firman Syah, Muhammad Sultan Aminudin, Nadia Salsabila, & Dani Ihwan Rizqi. (2025). Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Smart City Development: Social and Governance Impacts in Jakarta. Proceeding of Internasional Seminar on Arts, Artificial Intelligence & Society, 240–249. Retrieved from https://proceeding.ikj.ac.id/index.php/UXA/article/view/118