AI and Participatory Videography: Navigating New Possibilities in Community Empowerment and Agency


  • Paulista Surjadi University College London


Artificial Intelligence, Participatory Videography, Ethics, Social Development


Participatory videography (PV) has become an essential tool in social development, enabling marginalized communities to create and share their narratives, thereby fostering agency and challenging traditional power structures. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into PV practices presents new opportunities for enhancing creativity, efficiency, and accessibility. However, this integration introduces ethical considerations that must be carefully addressed. This paper examines these ethical implications through a case study of a participatory videography project in Kampung Ngampon, Solo, Indonesia. Drawing on desk research and interviews with practitioners from Indonesian NGO, Kota Kita, it explores how AI can potentially redefine concepts of participation, agency, and empowerment in PV, while examining their risks, and proposes strategies for ensuring responsible and empowering practices.


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How to Cite

Paulista Surjadi. (2025). AI and Participatory Videography: Navigating New Possibilities in Community Empowerment and Agency. Proceeding of Internasional Seminar on Arts, Artificial Intelligence & Society, 120–135. Retrieved from