Artificial Intelligence: The Convenience that Kills Meaning in Work of Art


  • Nauval Fahreza Institut Kesenian Jakarta


Artist, AI, Creative, Meaning


The presence of artificial intelligence (AI) has had a significant impact on convenience, especially in the aspect of creativity. But now anyone can create works with the ease available, even often just for the sake of profit so that the process of meaning is no longer present in the work. This research starts with the following two questions, “Is meaning no longer important in creating art? And what do artists think about creating with the help of AI?”. The analysis used in this study is a qualitative descriptive analysis, to describe, summarize the data and analyze the literature collected. The findings of this study show that there are many artists who are serious about AI, who not only use AI as a tool in their creative process, but also use AI as a research project, thus inspiring other artists, which is good for the progress of the art world itself. This is clearly different from people who only use AI to create art for profit. This research emphasizes the need for classification so that we can see the intersection between AI artists who seriously explore in the context of working with AI and people who work with AI for profit.


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How to Cite

Nauval Fahreza. (2025). Artificial Intelligence: The Convenience that Kills Meaning in Work of Art. Proceeding of Internasional Seminar on Arts, Artificial Intelligence & Society, 108–119. Retrieved from